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Understanding Emotional Dysregulation in Kids: A Nervous System Approach

adhd autonomic nervous system dysregulation insight scans nervous system perfect storm Feb 23, 2025

Take a deep breath with me for a moment. If you're reading this, you’re likely living with a daily reality that feels overwhelming—constant emotional outbursts, intense mood swings, heartbreaking meltdowns, struggles with anger, and a child who seems to have no impulse control. For many parents dealing with emotional dysregulation in kids, this isn’t just a bad day—it’s an ongoing challenge.

You’ve probably spent sleepless nights searching for answers, consulting specialists like teachers, therapists, and doctors, hoping someone will offer a solution. You’ve tried everything—reward charts, essential oils, deep breathing, supplements, and even medications for anxiety, depression, or ADHD. While medication may have helped with some symptoms, you still find yourself awake, wondering if there’s a safer, more natural way to help your child thrive.

At Live Better Chiropractic, we understand how tough this journey can be. That’s why we take a holistic approach that addresses the root causes of emotional dysregulation. By focusing on the nervous system, we help create balance and stability in your child’s emotional world, supporting them in a way that promotes lasting, positive change.

A Different Understanding of Your Child's Struggles

Here's something that might change everything about how you view your child's struggles: the root cause of emotional dysregulation often lies within the brain and nervous system, but not in the way you might have been told. This isn't just about a "chemical imbalance" – it's about understanding your child's nervous system from a functional standpoint.

When your child's nervous system becomes overstressed, imbalanced, and dysregulated, their emotions and behavior naturally follow suit. And here's the most important thing to remember: this isn't simply a genetic condition or a reflection of your parenting. The root cause may be simpler and more straightforward than you think.

Understanding the Nervous System Connection

The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) controls emotional responses through two key branches: 

  1. The sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) 
  2. The parasympathetic nervous system (rest, regulate, and digest)

So you can think of your child's nervous system like a car with a sensitive gas pedal and brake system. When working properly, it can smoothly accelerate and brake as needed. But sometimes, due to various factors, it can get stuck in "high gear" – what we call a sympathetic dominant state or "fight-or-flight" mode. This imbalance and overactive state is known as dysautonomia and nervous system dysregulation.

The "Perfect Storm": How Did We Get Here?

Several factors can contribute to nervous system dysregulation:

  • Early life stress, including maternal stress during pregnancy
  • Birth interventions like C-sections, forceps, or vacuum extraction
  • The overuse of antibiotics and other medications, plus environmental toxins and poor diet, which disrupts the microbiome and gut-brain connection

Together, these factors create neurological imbalances, leading to emotional dysregulation.

Beyond Traditional Approaches

While behavioral strategies and medications have their place, they often only mask the symptoms rather than the underlying root cause. That's why many parents find that even when medications help calm their child's symptoms, they're still searching for a more complete solution – a neurologically-focused one that addresses the root cause of their child's challenges - which is needed for lasting change.

Finding Hope and Solutions

The good news is that understanding this nervous system connection opens up new possibilities for helping your child. Just as the nervous system can become dysregulated, it can also be guided back into balance through appropriate support and care.

Some key things to consider:

  • Your child's behavior isn't a reflection of poor parenting or a lack of discipline
  • These challenges aren't simply something they'll "grow out of"
  • There are ways to measure and address nervous system imbalances
  • A comprehensive approach that considers the whole nervous system can make a real difference

Moving Forward

If you're feeling overwhelmed by your child's emotional dysregulation, remember that you're not alone, and there is hope. At Live Better Chiropractic, we understand that the nervous system's role is often the first step toward finding an effective solution for your children, and we would love to help!

We use cutting-edge technology called INSiGHT Scans that allow us to pinpoint, measure, and find subluxation, sympathetic dominance, and nervous system dysregulation that may be causing your child’s emotional dysregulation. So please don’t hesitate to reach out to Live Better Chiropractic today! With the proper care, we can help your family find calmer, more balanced days.  If you are not local to us, please check out the PX Docs directory to find a PX Docs office near you.

Remember, your child's emotional struggles aren't your fault, and seeking help isn't a sign of failure – it's a sign of love and commitment to your child's wellbeing.

If your child is experiencing any of the above and you’re becoming increasingly concerned, don't wait any longer. Click the button below to schedule your child's discovery day!

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